Congratulations to 14 Ballajura Community College students who were rewarded for their excellent achievement at the recent School Curriculum and Standards Authority (SCSA) Awards 2018.
Graduates Holly Ballam, Christy Davidson, Ashleigh Milne and Filip Najdovski and Tai Vo each received a Certificate of Distinction with their Western Australian Statement of Student Achievement from SCSA. Well done also to Mellissa Barber, Fernando Barrientos-Perez, Jennifer Cvetkovski, Sang Diep, Dino Durkalic, Jake Helfrich, Chantelle Nottage, Diana Pekic and Hannah Walkerden who received Certificates of Merit.
A Certificate of Merit or Distinction is awarded from SCSA to each eligible student who achieves consistently highly in their last three consecutive years of senior secondary WACE enrolment. Points are awarded for Year 11 and 12 units and VET certificates also contribute to their score.
For a Certificate of Merit, this is 150 – 189 points and for a Certificate of Distinction it is 190 – 200 points.
January 2019 also saw the release of SCSA’s Year 12 Student Achievement Data for 2018.
Ballajura Community College students were named amongst Western Australia’s highest performing students in Year 12 ATAR courses for both Computer Science and Literature.
BCC students’ combined Year 12 ATAR scores were in the top 15 per cent of all students in the State for those subjects. To be included in the table, schools must have at least 10 students with a Year 12 ATAR course combined score in the course.