COVID-19 Parent Update 10-03-2022
Dear Parent/Guardian This correspondence contains information regarding State Government COVID-19 information. Please click here to access the document. Thank you

COVID-19 Parent Update 28-02-2022
Dear Parent/Guardian This correspondence contains information regarding a positive case of COVID-19 at Ballajura Community College. Please click here to access the document. Thank you

COVID-19 Parent Update 17-02-2022
Dear Parent/Guardian This correspondence contains information regarding a positive case of COVID-19 at Ballajura Community College. Please click here to access the document. Thank you

COVID-19 Parent Update 17-02-2022
Dear Parent/Guardian This correspondence contains information regarding a positive case of COVID-19 at Ballajura Community College. Please click here to access the document. Thank you

Parent Update 10-02-2022
Dear Parent/Guardian This correspondence contains information regarding how we are managing the current health situation for your student/s here at Ballajura Community College....

Uniforms, Student, Parent information, News, COVID-19
Parent Update 08-02-2022
Dear Parent/Guardian This correspondence contains information regarding the College's COVID Planning, Staff Changes, visiting the College Campus requirements and Student Dress Code. Please click...

Student, Parent information, COVID-19
COVID Vaccine Yr7-Yr10 - Parent Update 18-10-2021
Dear Parents/Carers COVID-19 Vaccinations The Department of Education is working with the Department of Health to deliver a COVID-19 vaccination program for schools....

Parent information, News, COVID-19
Parent Update 06-08-2021
Dear Parent/Guardian This correspondence provides information about: Award winners Choirfest Celebration Upcoming Events Newsletter COVID-19 update Please click here to access the document....

Subject Selection, Student, News, COVID-19
Parent Update 23-07-2021
Dear Parent/Guardian This correspondence provides information about: Parent reporting day/night College NAIDOC celebration Year assemblies Parent/Carer attendance SMS system Year 9 and 10...

Parent information, News, COVID-19
Parent Update 29-06-2021
Dear Parent/Guardian Updated COVID information - This correspondence provides updated information about College operations from Tuesday, June 29 until and including Friday, July...