Parent Update 28-06-2021
Dear Parent/Guardian Updated COVID information - This correspondence provides updated information about College operations from Monday, June 28 until Wednesday, June 30, 2021....

Subject Selection, Parent information, COVID-19
Parent Update 21-06-2021
Dear Parent/Guardian This correspondence provides updated information regarding June 22 Athletics carnival postponement, June 30 Parent Reporting Day/Night, Year 10 to Year 11...

Parent Update 03-05-2021
Dear Parent/Guardian This correspondence provides updated information about College operations from Monday May 3 until Friday May 7, 2021 . Please click here...

Parent Update 30-04-2021
Dear Parent/Guardian This correspondence provides updated information about College operations from Monday May 3 until Friday May 7, 2021. Please click here to...

Parent Update-27-04-2021
Dear Parent/Guardian This correspondence provides updated information about College operations from Tuesday April 27 until Friday April 30, 2021. Please click here to...

Uniforms, Parent information, News, COVID-19
Parent Update-12-02-2021
Dear Parent/Guardian The Department of Education has provided to parents/carers updated information regarding COVID-19. Please click here to access the document. Thank you

Parent Update 05-02-2021
Dear Parent/Guardian The Department of Education has provided to parents/carers updated information regarding COVID-19. Please click here to access the document. Thank you

Parent Update 03-02-2021
Dear Parent/Guardian The Department of Education has provided to parents/carers updated information regarding COVID-19. Please click here to access the document. Thank you

Parent Update 01-02-2021
Dear Parent/Guardian The Department of Education has provided to parents/carers updated information regarding COVID-19. Please click here to access the document. Thank you

Parent information, Office Hours, COVID-19
Parent Update 29-01-2021
Dear Parent/Guardian This update contains information regarding commencement 2021 school year. Please click here to access the document. Thank you