Parent information, COVID-19, Access Program
COVID-19 & 12 ACCESS Program Parent Update 24-07-2020
Dear Parent/Guardian The Department of Education has provided to parents/carers updated information regarding COVID-19. This update also contains information regarding the 12 ACCESS...

COVID-19 Parent Update 29-06-2020
Dear Parent/Guardian The Department of Education has provided to parents/carers updated information regarding COVID-19. Please click here to access the document. Thank you

COVID-19 Parent Update 05-06-2020
Dear Parent/Guardian The Department of Education has provided to parents/carers updated information regarding COVID-19. Please click here to access the document. Thank you

COVID-19 Parent Update 28-05-2020
Dear Parent/Guardian The Department of Education has provided to parents/carers updated information regarding COVID-19. Please click here to access the document. Thank you

COVID-19 Parent Update 18-05-2020
Dear Parent/Guardian The Department of Education has provided to parents/carers updated information regarding COVID-19. Please click here to access the document. Thank you

COVID-19 Parent Update 12-05-2020
Dear Parent/Guardian The Department of Education has provided to parents/carers updated information regarding COVID-19. Please click here to access the document. Thank you

COVID-19 Parent Update 05-05-2020
Dear Parent/Guardian The Department of Education has provided to parents/carers updated information regarding COVID-19. Please click here to access the document. Thank you

COVID-19 Update 28/04/2020
Dear Parent/Guardian The Department of Education has provided to parents/carers updated information regarding COVID-19. Please click here to access the document. Thank you

Work from Home, Parent information, COVID-19
Term 2 2020 Intentions Survey
Dear Parent / Guardian, The Western Australian Government have announced that schools will reopen for all parents and carers who choose to send...

COVID-19 Update 20/04/2020
Dear Parent/Guardian The Department of Education has provided to parents/carers updated information regarding COVID-19. Please click here to access the document. Thank you