COVID-19 Parent Update 17-02-2022
Dear Parent/Guardian This correspondence contains information regarding a positive case of COVID-19 at Ballajura Community College. Please click here to access the document. Thank you

Parent Update 10-02-2022
Dear Parent/Guardian This correspondence contains information regarding how we are managing the current health situation for your student/s here at Ballajura Community College....

Parent information, Enrolments
Enrolments for 2023 will open in Term 2
Year 7 enrolments for 2023 will open in Term 2. More information soon.

Uniforms, Student, Parent information, News, COVID-19
Parent Update 08-02-2022
Dear Parent/Guardian This correspondence contains information regarding the College's COVID Planning, Staff Changes, visiting the College Campus requirements and Student Dress Code. Please click...

Parent Update 28-01-2022
Dear Parent/Guardian This correspondence is a Welcome to the 2022 School Year, information on Safety and Health, SEQTA and student timetable information and...

Parent information, Enrolments
Year 7 2022 Orientation at Ballajura Community College
Dear Parents/Guardians, Our Year 7 Orientation, ‘O Day’ will occur on Monday, 31 January. On this day, your child will engage in a...

Music in the Park date change
Music in the Park post-poned until next Wednesday, 15 December Due to the extreme temperatures expected late today, the decision has been made...

Subject Selection, Parent information
2022 Campion Book Orders
Campion have extended the deadline for the submission of online book orders to Friday 10 December 2021. All online orders must be completed...

Year Book Orders
Production of the 2021 Year Book is well advanced. This glossy publication will make a perfect memento of the 2021 year in the...

Student, Parent information, COVID-19
COVID Vaccine Yr7-Yr10 - Parent Update 18-10-2021
Dear Parents/Carers COVID-19 Vaccinations The Department of Education is working with the Department of Health to deliver a COVID-19 vaccination program for schools....