Parent Update-27-04-2021
Dear Parent/Guardian This correspondence provides updated information about College operations from Tuesday April 27 until Friday April 30, 2021. Please click here to...

Parent Update-19-04-2021
Dear Parent/Guardian This correspondence provides updated information about College operations from Tuesday April 20, 2021. Please click here to access the document. Thank...

Parent Update-12-03-2021
Dear Parent/Guardian This update contains information regarding Parent Interim Reporting Day/Night, College Board Annual General meeting and Year 12 Ball. Please click here to...

External phone lines IN and OUT of the College are now fixed
The external phone lines in and out of the College have now been repaired and are operational. Thank you for your patience whilst...

Parent information, Office Hours
College Telephone Outage
Ballajura Community College telephone lines are still not operational. Telstra are currently working to rectify the fault however at this stage we have...

College Telephone Outage
Ballajura Community College telephone lines are currently not operational. We hope to have lines reinstated by Monday. In the meantime, if the matter...

Uniforms, Parent information, News, COVID-19
Parent Update-12-02-2021
Dear Parent/Guardian The Department of Education has provided to parents/carers updated information regarding COVID-19. Please click here to access the document. Thank you

Parent Update 05-02-2021
Dear Parent/Guardian The Department of Education has provided to parents/carers updated information regarding COVID-19. Please click here to access the document. Thank you

Parent Update 03-02-2021
Dear Parent/Guardian The Department of Education has provided to parents/carers updated information regarding COVID-19. Please click here to access the document. Thank you

Parent Update 01-02-2021
Dear Parent/Guardian The Department of Education has provided to parents/carers updated information regarding COVID-19. Please click here to access the document. Thank you