Parent information, Office Hours, COVID-19
Parent Update 29-01-2021
Dear Parent/Guardian This update contains information regarding commencement 2021 school year. Please click here to access the document. Thank you

Year 12 Awards Ceremony
We are looking forward to the upcoming Year 12 Award Ceremony that is being held at the Perth Convention Centre on the evening...

Pupil Free Day on Monday 7th December 2020
Monday the 7th of December 2020 is a Pupil Free Day and students are not to attend.

Parent Update 21-08-2020
Dear Parent/Guardian This update contains information regarding an isolated case of chickenpox at the College. Please click here to access the document. Thank you

VacSwim Enrolments 2020/21
Enrolments are now open for VacSwim swimming lessons during the October and December/January school holidays. The programs offer lessons for all levels, from...

Parent information, COVID-19, Access Program
COVID-19 & 12 ACCESS Program Parent Update 24-07-2020
Dear Parent/Guardian The Department of Education has provided to parents/carers updated information regarding COVID-19. This update also contains information regarding the 12 ACCESS...

Uniform Shop - Try and buy days
Uniforms may be purchased from the College Uniform shop on Wednesday from 8.15 am to 9.15 am and on Thursday from 3.00 pm...

COVID-19 Parent Update 29-06-2020
Dear Parent/Guardian The Department of Education has provided to parents/carers updated information regarding COVID-19. Please click here to access the document. Thank you

COVID-19 Parent Update 05-06-2020
Dear Parent/Guardian The Department of Education has provided to parents/carers updated information regarding COVID-19. Please click here to access the document. Thank you

COVID-19 Parent Update 28-05-2020
Dear Parent/Guardian The Department of Education has provided to parents/carers updated information regarding COVID-19. Please click here to access the document. Thank you