Need help with school work?
Studiosity could be what you need. It’s a 24/7 online study help tool with specialist tutors to help with school work and assignments....

Advanced Curriculum Enrichment Program Application for 2023
Ballajura Community College's Advanced Curriculum Enrichment Program provides a vibrant, high quality learning environment which ensures that intellectually talented students are challenged to...

Work from Home, Student, Parent information
Parent Update 01-03-2022
Dear Parent/Guardian This correspondence contains information regarding how students can access SEQTA from home. Please click here to access the document. Thank you

SCSA Exhibitions and Awards Ceremony
Congratulations to Tegan Markham. The staff at Ballajura Community College are delighted to congratulate Tegan Markham for being awarded two SCSA Awards. VET...

Uniforms, Student, Parent information, News, COVID-19
Parent Update 08-02-2022
Dear Parent/Guardian This correspondence contains information regarding the College's COVID Planning, Staff Changes, visiting the College Campus requirements and Student Dress Code. Please click...

Student, Parent information, COVID-19
COVID Vaccine Yr7-Yr10 - Parent Update 18-10-2021
Dear Parents/Carers COVID-19 Vaccinations The Department of Education is working with the Department of Health to deliver a COVID-19 vaccination program for schools....

Subject Selection, Student, News, COVID-19
Parent Update 23-07-2021
Dear Parent/Guardian This correspondence provides information about: Parent reporting day/night College NAIDOC celebration Year assemblies Parent/Carer attendance SMS system Year 9 and 10...

Parent Update-12-03-2021
Dear Parent/Guardian This update contains information regarding Parent Interim Reporting Day/Night, College Board Annual General meeting and Year 12 Ball. Please click here to...

Year 12 Awards Ceremony
We are looking forward to the upcoming Year 12 Award Ceremony that is being held at the Perth Convention Centre on the evening...

Pupil Free Day on Monday 7th December 2020
Monday the 7th of December 2020 is a Pupil Free Day and students are not to attend.