Dear Parents/Carers
COVID-19 Vaccinations
The Department of Education is working with the Department of Health to deliver a COVID-19 vaccination program for schools. A voluntary initiative, offered to Ballajura Community College, is for staff and students to receive prioritised vaccination opportunities, at the Mirrabooka COVID Vaccination Clinic. The program, commencing early November, will involve Transperth busses transporting interested staff and students to the Clinic for their vaccinations.
Attached in links below is a letter from the Department of Health and a consent form which was handed to all students, in year’s 7 – 10, today. Parents/carers are asked to complete and return the consent forms to the main administration by Thursday 21 October if they wish for their child to participate. We will inform you when the Department of Health confirms the dates of the vaccination.
Parent Information Letter Consent Form
Yours sincerely,
Bruno Pileggi, Principal
Monday 18 October, 2021