Ballajura Community College Interim Reporting Day/Night is on Wednesday April 5, 2017 from 12:30 pm to 7:30 pm. This is a pupil free day and students are not required to attend their normal timetabled sessions. Senior School campus will not be accessible on April 5. Parent/teacher interviews will take place in the Middle School Gymnasium.
Bookings for parent/teacher interviews for Term 1 Interim Reports, Semester 1 Academic Reports and Semester 2 Academic Reports will be made via an online booking service called Parent Teacher Online. You will receive a login with the copy of your child’s interim report in the next few days. You will also receive an email with details about how to retrieve your login information.
Once you have this, go to bookings.parentteacheronline.com.au?school=zz3tb.
A link will also be on the College website at www.bcc.wa.edu.au.
When you log in, there will be instructions to guide you through the booking process. Your child’s teachers will be listed and you can indicate which of those you wish to see. When you enter a starting time, the system will automatically book a time with each teacher you have selected and as close together as possible to each other (depending on existing bookings). You also have the option to manually enter or change a booking with each teacher.
Additional information about the booking process can be found at http://parentteacheronline.com.au/faq/
If you don’t have a registered email address, you will be invited to supply the school with an address for future contact.
For parents without internet access, please contact the College on 9262 7777 to arrange appointments with teachers. Bookings can also be made at the parent/teacher evening (subject to available times).