Parent Reporting Day/Night Semester One
We have pleasure in inviting you to our annual Parents’ Reporting Day/Night where you will have the opportunity to collect your child’s Semester 1 report and to discuss their achievement, progress and future educational needs with their teachers. In order to maximise the opportunity for you to make contact with teachers, they will be available from 12.30 pm – 7.30 pm.
Students are not required at the College on Wednesday June 28 except in the company of their parents.
Details of the Reporting Day/Night:
Date: Wednesday, June 28, 2017
Time: 12.30 pm – 7.30 pm
Location: Ballajura Community College Middle School Gymnasium (Gym).
(All other areas of the College Senior School and Middle School will not be accessible).
Collection of Reports
Reports for students in Years 7-12 must be collected by a parent/guardian in the Gym foyer prior to their first interview. Reports may be collected from 12.00 pm. Any outstanding fees can be paid at the Administration desk in the Gym Foyer. Updated personal details forms can also be handed in at this desk.
Bookings for parent/teacher interviews for Semester 1 Reports will be made via an online booking service from Monday June 19. This booking service is called Parent/Teacher Online and is accessible from the College website at www.bcc.wa.edu.au or from this link: https://bookings.parentteacheronline.com.au?school=zz3tb
Login details for Parent Teacher Online will be posted out to you. If you have an email registered with the College, you will also receive an email with details about how to retrieve your login information. Included with the reports will be the contact details we have on file for you. Please check that this information is correct, make any necessary changes, sign and return to Administration.
Interviews are booked at five minute intervals. A bell will sound at the end of the five minutes for you to move onto the next appointment. Your assistance is appreciated in ensuring the day runs smoothly and teachers are available at the appointed times. Parents who do not have access to the internet or require assistance with booking an interview can contact the College on 9262 777 to arrange appointments.
Interpreter Service
We can provide an interpreter for your interview but they must be booked prior to the day. Please contact the College if you would like us to organise an interpreter for your parent/teacher interviews.
The Reporting Day/Night last year was very well attended. The communication and understandings that developed were very beneficial to the progress of our students. f you have any questions, please contact either Mr Bruno Pileggi (Deputy Principal Middle School) on 9262 7777 or Mr Peter Green (Deputy Principal Senior School) on 9262 7900.