School Pathways
Supporting Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics
Since 2000, the School Pathways Program has supported and funded the following programs at Ballajura Community College.
- Visit to HMAS Waller
- Telecommunications training (Certificate I and II)
- Workplace experience and equipment
- Staff training and development
- University summer schools for students
- Robotics equipment and training
- Mathematics incursions – mathematics comedian, university presenters
- Excursion for Science, Mathematics, Computing, Engineering and Geography
- Gingin Observatory and Discovery Centre overnight camp
- Machinery: Drill press and 3D printer for Design and Technology
- Speed Careering event for Design and Technology students
- Physics Adventureworld excursions
- Subject excellence awards for students
- Promotional media for Ballajura Community College
- Subs in Schools Program
- Industry visits (Hofmann Engineering) for engineering students
- Virtual welding experience and training