Your child is invited to attend the Ballajura Community College Orientation Day planned for incoming Year 7 students in 2020.
A whole day has been organised for students to attend BCC and participate in a regular homeroom program. Students will have the opportunity to familiarise themselves with the physical layout, meet staff at BCC and use school facilities.
- Thursday, December 5, 2019 at 8.40am sharp
Alinjarra Primary, South Ballajura Primary, and all other schools
Students will be finishing at 2.55pm
- Friday, December 6, 2019 at 8.40am
Ballajura Primary, Illawarra Primary and Mary MacKillop Catholic Primary
Students will be finishing at 2.55 pm
Ballajura Community College, Illawarra Crescent South, Ballajura, Phone 92627777
Meet on the Peace Park lawn in front of the College
Students will meet back at the Peace Park at the end of the day
(Students will be expected to arrange their own transport to and from the College on that day.)
Students are required to wear their Primary School Uniform.
- Morning recess and lunch
- Pens, paper to work as with a normal school day
- Enclosed shoes